Saturday, February 14, 2009

Little Bit About Me

I have the most boring name on the planet.


But at least it's pretty

I used to try and make clothes for my Barbie's as a kid. Barbie ended up naked most of the time. Then in 7th grade I wanted new clothes, but I had no money. So I started sewing. I took apart old clothes and made skirts and armsocks and things like that. Mostly done by hand because our sewing machine sucked. Sewing gives me this great feeling like nothing else. Well...almost nothing else. ;) I get a high from sewing. I decided to become a fashion designer in 7th grade, against the advice of my parents, who have now realized once again I'm too stubborn to be persuaded otherwise.

I'm in a clothing class at my high school and of course I sew at home. I love reading fashion magazines and my favorite show is Project Runway. To me, it's clothes aren't just things we wear, they can change how we feel about ourselves and how others perceive us. What we wear says a lot about who we are.

I'd love to work for an amazing designer one day, and then eventually have my own ready-to-wear line. I plan on donating some of the profits to charity, and I'd like to use organic cotton for some of the clothes.

That's all for now. I'm new at this....and lazy....but hopefully I'll be putting up pictures and things soon.

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